Wrong network. Please change the network.

Why PacBoom and what is it ?

PacBoom has been created for the PAC community to recognize and fully endorse PacMoon, the master of Blast !

PacBoom might be the brother of PacMoon, but nobody knows for sure; however, he sure likes to explode !

Now say PAC PAC and WAKA WAKA because those words are the anthem of Pacmoon.

Everyone here loves PacMoon and his beautiful community, isn't it ?

PacBoom join the Blast name party !

Support the Blast ecosystem and achieve the best score to receive PAC BOOM points.

Score less than 10,000 at PacBoom game and interact with Blast blockchain to receive 3 PAC BOOM points !

Score more than 10,000 and less than 50 000 at PacBoom game and interact with Blast blockchain to receive 10 PAC BOOM points !

Score more than 50,000 and less than 100 000 at PacBoom game and interact with Blast blockchain to receive 50 PAC BOOM points !

If you reach 100,000 at PacBoom game and interact with Blast blockchain you will receive 100 PAC BOOM points !

Additionnaly, you may be rewarded with Blast points and Blast Gold !

Introducing PacBoom NFT


Buy a refundable NFT from PAC BOOM collection on Blastr to get a bonus on PAC BOOM game.

The supply of the collection is 1800 NFTs characterized by different traits.

For each NFT held, you will get a bonus of 100%.

If you have 3 NFT you will receive a bonus of 300% and the maximum bonus you can get is 1000% with 10 NFTs.

The NFT will also grant you access in the future to The Pacmoon's mini stories like the one you can see in the introduction of the game !

Score PB points without NFT PB points with 1 NFT PB points with 10 NFT
< 10,000 3 6 33
between 10,000 and 50,000 10 20 110
between 50,000 and 100,000 50 100 550
> 100,000 100 200 1100

A way to be rewarded

Estimated revenue

Thanks to the Blast ecosystem, a yield up to 4% will be generated and send back to users of the app !

That means 2 ETH will be generated and redistributed every year !