Wrong network. Please change the network.

How to play ?

Try to achieve the best score to be fully-endorsed by Pacmoon and recognized as a real member of that beautiful community !

Connect your Twitter account to have your place on the leaderboard !

  • Ghost Ghost : Also known as a memecoin of the Blast ecosystem, the first to emerge from the Tornado Blast launcher. It aims to chase Pacman and earn gold ! Eat it to get 100 points.
  • Pacmoon Pacmoon : sometimes a Pacmoon can appear, just eat it because you love it and get 300 points !
  • Bobby Bobby : this is the master, he appears to track his followers and see if everything is right in the Pacmoon ecosystem. Don't try to eat it or ... you will REGRET IT !
  • Lambolane Lamboland : the marketing mastermind behind Pacmoon. As he said "Pacmoon is culture". Don't try to eat it because it will take time to digest !
  • Jenndefer Jenndefer : she is a well-known influencer who often shares advice and tweets about the Blast ecosystem. Eat it to get 1000 points but you will become bigger, so take care of those Boobies ! The ability doesn't last long.
  • Beeple Beeple : the #1 in the leaderboard, enlightened by PacMoon. Eat it to get 500 points and the special ability to eat those Bobbies spamming the map ! But be careful, the ability doesn't last long !



  • Arrows : to move Pacboom
  • Space : to speed up Pacboom


  • Slide your finger in the desired direction to move Pacboom
  • Keep pressing to speed up Pacboom